We identify the cause of your gum problem by microscope and treat it without chemicals or surgery. As part of our integrative approach to dental treatment, we analyze the plaque that forms around your teeth and in your gum crevices to determine if there is an infection and if so what is contributing to the inflammation.

We have found bacteria, fungi (molds), and parasites (protozoa) in the dental plaque of people with gum disease. These organisms cause varying degrees of infection and symptoms. When we eliminate these from the patient’s mouth, we observe that heal, and many times the overall health improvement and in 99% of cases, no need for surgery.



Oral cancer is the sixth-most-common type of cancer. Still, regular dental examination by your dental professionals can help catch signs of it in its earliest stages when the survival rate is more than eighty percent.

It is best to get your oral cancer every six months, especially if you are a smoker and have compromised immunity which makes you prone to oral infections.

Our Registered Dental Hygienists and Orofacial practitioners perform a thorough oral cancer check-up. Oral cancer screening is done as part of your six-month follow-up appointment or as needed. The Velscope™, a non-invasive, non-surgical, comfortable oral screening system, will be combined with a manual and visual assessment to visualize the mouth, throat, and lips.