The focus of integrative dental health is not just your teeth and gums, but with the entire functional system that allows you to chew, swallow, speak, sing, kiss, or yawn, smile – basically anything you do with your mouth and facial muscles. Specifically, that system includes the teeth, as well as the jaw joints used to open and close your mouth and all muscles of the face neck. Most cases of misalignment are the result of an overall tooth position that requires the lower jaw to retract back into the face to make the molars fit together for chewing.

Our aim is correct the overall structure of your jaw, mouth and neck alignment to improve the our client’s quality of living and to alleviate them from pain.

Some symptoms of TMJ and Dental Distress syndromes are:

Clicking, popping, locking, jaw joint pain, headaches, and even ear or eye pain and compromised muscles, neck, shoulder muscles, and pain muscles of facial expressions.

We use an integrative approach, including a dental splint, laser, electroscope and exercise, and mineral therapy to correct the overall structure of your jaw, mouth, and neck alignment to improve our clients wellness outcomes.